She's been through hell and came out an angel. You didn't break her darling, you don't own that kind of power.

[Created by Majesty 2018]

》Moniker《 Koralia Eirene Metztli》Pronounciation《 (core-al-e-uh) (i-re-n) (met-z-ill-e)》Alias《 N/a》Maturity《 3.7 yrs》Gender《 Feminine》Sexuality《 Homosexual》Pronouns《 She/Her》Species《 Wolfdog (Shiloh Shepherd x Gray Wolf)》Village《 Bear Hollow》Rank《 Guard》Voice Claim《 Ava Max》Scent《 Daisies and orchids》Main Theme《 Who's Laughing Now by Ava Max》Playlist《 Risen Spirit

It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.

》Height《 30 in/ 76.2 cm》Weight《 120 lbs/ 54.4 kg》Body Type《 Toned, lean》Body Condition《 Good》Hygiene《 Excellent》Scars《 N/a》Deformities《 N/a》Apparel《 Brown spiked collar, grey fur cloak, black journal》Assets《 Strength. Combat. Tracking. Endurance.》Flaws《 Hot Weather Tolerance. Stamina. Swimming. Long-term Sprints.

With her Shiloh Shepherd lineage, Kora has quite some long and thick fur. This long fur covers her entire body, but gets a bit longer in areas such as her neck, undersides, and legs. Though this coat is short when compared to a purebred Shiloh. Her skull holds some resemblance to a dog, being narrowed with large ears but her wolf side has made it overall larger. Kora's body type is certainly more on the muscular side, but there is still a leanness to it. The spine is curved, allowing the female to stand in a stack somewhat similar to GSDs. Her paws are wide with the paw pads and nose being a liver hue. Kor's eyes are a rich almond, taking after her wolf side.Koralia has a unique coat pattern, helping her appear more like a domestic dog than a wolf, but this white came from her father with her dame having the black and brown coloration. A white stripe goes down her muzzle, followed by a black hue in a mask-like appearance. The rest of her head is a tawny and dusty brown combo, and this formation continues in patches over her back and parts of her tail. Everything else from tail tip, bodice, and legs are a white color. This white is also all over her neck. Nails are black and slightly longer than normal, making them produce a clacking sound on rough surfaces. Kor's scent is reminiscent of cherry blossoms and lilies. Her body language is always something displaying her confidence, such as her head and tail held high.

You're allowed to scream, you're allowed to cry, but do not give up.

》+《 Optimistic. Determined. Elegant. Capable. Steadfast.》=《 Insubordinate. Fearless. Outspoken. Tough. Questioning.》-《 Untrusting. Erratic. Fiery. Impulsive. Resentful.

Fortunately, after all the wolfdog has been through, she's been able to develop a brighter outlook on life. Kora has learned to be incredibly hopeful for good things to come and good things to stay. It's a strong motivating factor in her everyday life, the belief, though some could say it's rather naive, that everything will be okay. It keeps her optimistic and the furthest thing from pessimism. On many occasions, Koralia can be described to see the world through rose colored glasses. As she's quite friendly and cheery. Although she still has those bad days, it's a great improvement from before. And for determination, the wolfdog is full of it. Throughout her youth and still to this day, she's always been a force to be reckoned with. When Koralia sets her mind on something, she will always follow through. Her beliefs are upheld in a fierce way and you'll never see the day when she suddenly drops them or everything else she stands for. It simply isn't in her nature as she'll always fight for herself, others, or what she believes to be right.This fierce standing isn't always upheld in a rude manner, unless you give her reason to, otherwise Koralia is quite polite. She opts to remain calm and collected as well as friendly whenever possible. It's unsurprising that after being forced to fight in a ring for the entertainment of others, the wolfdog tries to avoid it as much as possible. However, it's obvious that Koralia isn't frail in the slightest and will certainly step up if she absolutely has to, which has happened many times in her past. Needless to say, Kora can take care of herself just fine and heavily dislikes when anyone implies otherwise. The wolfdog is also notably loyal to her loved ones and individuals she considers to be close with. She'll always stand with them no matter what, in most cases, and willingly fight an outnumbered war alongside them. When someone is lucky enough to form a strong bond with Koralia, it's lifelong and unable to be shattered.Being told all her life that she's somehow lesser, the wolfdog is unable to function properly in a group setting. She dislikes being told what to do and having an authoritative hand be forced upon her, and instinctively will fight back against it. Laws are something she has the natural urge to break which expectedly has gotten her into trouble on numerous occasions. Due to the painful memories it brings, Kora would prefer to live either alone or somewhere where there's no distinctive leader or hierarchy. To add to this, Koralia has grown over time to be less fearful of certain individuals and situations. Enough so that she has no issue backtalking someone who could be considered her superior, and nothing can be used to intimidate her. She's far too arrogant in this sense to care, along with believing she can take care of every problem herself. This attitude has landed her in physical fights as well as verbal ones, both she couldn't care less about.Kora can also be described to be very honest with anyone and everyone, voicing her thoughts freely and openly while still being polite about it the majority of the time. One of the few good things Koralia has learned from her past is how to endure extreme hardship, as now she's not able to easily crumble under harsh conditions or treatment. Her endurance somewhat matches one of a soldier, certainly unwavering. And another habit from her puphood, the wolfdog has a tendency to question everything. It could be out of a child-like curiosity or deeply rooted suspicions. She wonders what someone's motives or intentions may be for doing something good and or bad, especially if it's out of the blue. Koralia ponders often what secrets individuals could be hiding, if they're secretly a monster or if they're living a double life. This leads her to stick her nose where it doesn't belong in a deep, unwarranted investigaton.Thus, it's no secret that Kora is mistrustful of everyone and everything. After all that she's been through, this invisible wall she puts between herself and others is seen as a necessary evil in order to protect herself. But since she's outwardly friendly to mask this, it isn't too obvious until someone makes the awful choice of prying. Should this happen, the wolfdog tends to get overly defensive. She firmly believes that nobody is to be trusted easily, it's something that must be earned by time or a loved one telling her it's okay. Koralia can also be observed to have erratic behavior and tendencies, something that isn't shocking when considering her history. She's unpredictable in terms of feelings and moods. One moment she could be relaxed, another she's doubting everything around her or even in rare circumstances, she feels like she has to fight.It's triggered by certain words or mannerisms and is always never seen coming by whoever is in Kora's presence. Unintentionally, someone innocent could catch the brunt end of her outbursts which she'd apologize for. Koralia does also however enact what she sees as justice on individuals that have done wrong, like a certain male wolf. Her passion about doing what's right leads her to get into ferocious fights that will leave the opponent with some kind of scar, a permanent reminder of Koralia and her fury. In fact, the wolfdog isn't above badly maiming someone to achieve it and will continue to taunt and harass anyone who's on her bad side. A consequence of this is how quickly her mind resorts to such violence, despite still wanting to avoid it. She can act on emotions and impulses and become reckless as a result, which can put her or someone else in serious danger.

I know you're tired. I know you're physically and emotionally drained, but you have to keep going.

》Mother《 Verochka》Father《 Erkin》Littermates《 Zenais, Tushar & Servaos》Partner《 N/a》Young《 N/a

TW: Gore. Death. Overall Violence. SA Attempt.

Koralia was born to Verochka, a stern Shiloh Shepherd mother and Erkin, a wolf father who just equally as stern alongside her sister Zenais and brothers Tushar and Servaos. Verochka was selected by Erkin to become his wife and bare his children, a common practice among their wolf and domestic dog pack that had a strictly male-dominated hierarchy. In Koralia's eyes, the women of the pack were expected to be dainty and only serve as mothers. While the males had more control and were trained to be skilled fighters and defenders. It didn't exactly make sense to the wolfdog, but the females didn't ever really try to challenge it, being taught the belief from birth and the pack had a relatively peaceful lifestyle- further cementing this system. Zenais and Koralia were separated from their brothers after the litter turned 3 months old and placed in a nursery with other female puppies, all to be collectively taught more about their future motherhood, now known to Kora as "future servitude". Nothing about the idea seemed right to the wolfdog, even at that young age she showed a unforeseen defiance regarding the laws of the pack. But unfortunately for the young pup, nobody else seemed to share her ideals, not even Zenais. Her superiors would constantly alert her parents to this worrying behavior, to which Koralia would always receive scolding to and a rather distant attachment to her family. Meanwhile the male pups of the pack were taught of all the dominating things they'd accomplish, otherwise better things than what Koralia thought she was being taught to do. Unknown to her however, the pack laws also expected the females to have a vital role in their balance. The sayings fell on young deaf ears, too focused on what the dames can't do.A month would pass before Koralia got into her first serious argument with her superiors. Now being older, the wolfdog was able to better comprehend her frustrations and put them into rather unpolite words for her teacher, a golden retriever called Selma, to listen to. Kora interrupted her class to shout at the older female, even going so far as to stand directly in front of Selma and do her best to growl at her, but instead of letting the pup continue this rebellious display, the teacher opted to use force as it wasn't the first time Kora had done this. A heavy paw was brought down onto her face, making direct contact with her snout and causing her to fall to the from from the impact. Her nose wasn't bleeding thankfully, but it stung enough to make tears stream from her eyes. It wasn't ever heard of at the time, for teachers to get so fed up with their students, but Selma had been directed to do so by the wolfdog's parents themselves to instill order in their "unruly" child. Koralia remained silent at first, her scared gaze flashing back and fourth between her sister and the others before shakily rising to her paws again to continue her rant, albeit in tears. "I don't want to be a mommy, and you can't make me!" Instead of hitting her again, the retriever escorted her out of the class area and back to the den of her parents so they can deal with her. Verochka instantly grew angry at her daughter, shouting at her to just attend her classes like everyone else, but just like to Selma, Koralia argued. Her points never reached her mother, who brushed her off and well aware how a smack didn't fix her attitude, Verochka gave Kora two options. Attend classes and learn, or starve. And the pup being true to herself and her fierce standing, she chose the ladder.As expected, over the course of a week with little to eat, Koralia's body condition was very emaciated and skinny when compared to her sister. Zenais did try her best to aid Kora, slipping her snacks every now and again but one and last instance, she was caught by their mother. Verochka tried her best to explain her reasoning and otherwise purpose for essentially starving Koralia, but Zen was unaccepting of it. However, she did cease to keep bringing her sister snacks. Fortunately for Kora, her suffering didn't have to last much longer before Erkin found out on one of his not so frequent check ins. He was incredibly angry and disappointed with his wife at how she'd been raising his daughters, getting into a loud argument with her that ended with him storming out of her den. He was willing to accept his daughter as different, while Verochka wasn't. Koralia was given the essential food she needed to grow, but her mother refused to converse with her or even acknowledge her presence. And she was forced to return to her classes, where more arguments and disruptions would continue, each of which were met with a smack or more yelling. This kind of treatment by both her teachers and mother didn't go unnoticed by the pack's superiors, as her mom was soon deemed unfit to properly care for her children, because Kora's behavior was presumed to be taught and or something Verochka could clearly control had she tried. Thus leading to the sisters being taken from their mom and placed with a foster mother who could correct the problem pup's habits. But said corrections involved harsher and more violent methods meant to instill fear in Koralia to ensure that she'd be better, which worked, temporarily. 3 Months of such treatment had the wolfdog fed up and willing to find any way to escape her destined fate.One cold night Koralia had managed to slip out of her den, carefully stepping around the sleeping bodies of her foster mother and sister, and to the border of the pack's camp while avoiding the guards. The young female felt no guilt or fear when choosing to step over the border and sprint away into the woods, firmly believing that her family nor pack would actually miss her. A day of exploring and falling down would ensue before Erkin's towering white frame came bursting through some nearby foliage, his face panicked. She was initially relieved to see her father and rushed forward to nuzzle him and furiously wag her tail but his haunting expression didn't change, perfectly matching his tone. Never in her life had the wolfdog seen Erkin act so weird, but his question led her to believe she was in trouble. "How did you escape?" She responded with her head lowered and voice low. "I snuck out, I'm-" But he quickly cut her off and used one of his large forearms to nudge her away from him and in the direction of what appeared to be more forest. "A rogue pack invaded last night, everyone scattered and they're looking for us, we need to leave now!" At that, the wolfdog began to run with her pureblood father close behind, pushing her ahead. Koralia had never run so fast in her life, diving through thorny bushes and just narrowly avoiding colliding with trees. Only a few more moments would pass before the pair heard the sound of thudding paws somewhere close by and a low growl. "Some of them are still here, find them!" With her father urging her to keep running, Kora kept pushing forward but she'd suddenly feel a strong force slam her into the ground.Instinctively, the young wolfdog tried to fight back against this unknown force. Twisting and turning as much as she could while snarling out empty threats. The twisting allowed Koralia to see the force holding her down, a big burly brown and black male wolf with piercing yellow eyes who wasn't budging no matter how hard she pushed against him. And just out the corner of her eyes, she saw her father fighting against another stranger wolf, another male but this one was all black with blue eyes. Erkin, while using his forepaws to shove the other back and kept him at bay successfully, had managed to grab the male by his right forearm and began to furiously thrash his head back and fourth until a loud crack echoed throughout the forest. Erkin had actually broke the other's leg, and by the amount of blood that pored from it as it dangled awkwardly in the air, he had severed tendons along with it. Kora could never forget how her beloved father laughed at it and smiled. He appeared so frenzied and insane that it was incredibly scary for the young wolfdog. How could anyone be capable of something like that? For just a few seconds, Erkin had turned to face Koralia, his soft hued brown eyes meeting her own before calling out to her. "You're gonna be okay!" The soft yap brought comfort to her once frightened heart, firmly believing that Erkin would somehow get them both out of the situation alive. The black wolf had howled in agony, but kept lunging at her father in a horrifying craze. He had kept limping forward, throwing his bodice into Erkin before catching one of his ears in his jaws that was quickly torn off. The amount of blood that came from both males was nauseating for the young female to see, but she'd be snapped out of her daze as the wolf that was currently pressing her frame into the dirt let out a howl. "Aristaeus, we have the child but Azai can't properly fight off the father. Permission to kill him?"The words struck her like a bat, along with the following response; "Granted." In one fluid movement, the pressure the wolf had been using with his forepaws to hold Kora down was gone and he was lunging forward at Koralia's father. Erkin had grabbed the wolf she now knew as Azai by the throat and was thrashing his bodice into the ground as he slowly began to grow limp. Unfortunately for the father and daughter, Azai was promptly dropped to the ground and freed as the other male slammed into him. Already exhausted, Erkin was soon overpowered and reduced to nothing more than a chew toy between the two males and dropped lifelessly on the ground. Koralia couldn't move, she was frozen in place as fear overtook her, her frame shaking. What was she gonna do? How could something grow so terrible quickly? With tears streaming from her eyes, the wolfdog didn't make an attempt to escape the wolves, not resisting in the slightest as they hauled her off to some unknown location. She was absolutely tiny compared to the males and knew she couldn't put up as much fight as her father had. Eventually after a while of walking or much rather dragging in her case, the trio reached a valley surrounded by boulders and mountains that had winding tunnels through the stone. She'd pay close attention to the tunnels as she was forcefully thrown into one and blocked in without a word. Koralia tumbled down a short incline, her head spinning and making her super dizzy, then finally landing on her side where she could view the shape of another canine in the dimly lit cave. She was relieved at first, as she wouldn't be alone and someone could tell her what was happening. But the angered Dane mix that was meant to be her newfound companion only met her with intense hostility as she quickly rushed over to face her, snapping at her while spitting out wolf-related insults. Koralia even introduced herself, but the other did nothing more than add to her list of bruises and injuries. The Plush Danois puppy would eventually grow tired of beating up Kora, and they'd get the chance to actually begin conversing with each other. Shivshakti, as she's now known, was born into the wolf pack and forced to watch her mother be torn to shreds while a crowd cheered and howled.And she's currently being kept here against her will, such as herself. It'd only take a night for the pair to fully understand each other and become the closest of friends. They had promised to fight together, and that's exactly what they did. They had also grieved together over their fallen parents, Izzabillah and Erkin. As Koralia was allowed to train just like Shivshakti with the wolf pups, they'd frequently gang up on the others. This granted the pair abusive treatment from the wolves, but it didn't stop them from continuing. In fact, their superiors were always argued with every step of the way. Shiv and Kora truly wanted to be as unruly as possible, which continued until they were both a year old and tossed into the fighting ring to expectedly kill each other. Truly a sight to see for the wolves who were done putting up with them, as they were surrounded in a sandy clearing and goaded on. Fight! Fight! Fight! Koralia froze in place like she had before, the awful thought of Shivshakti turning on her crossing her mind. But to her joy, she didn't. Shiv had turned and was snarling at the wolves around them who were now growling threats at them. They were told to fight otherwise they'd be killed, but not even that made the females want to act. It'd soon be decided that they could just fight someone bigger and stronger, and that's exactly what they received. A large male Akbash was allowed into the clearing, who was heavily scarred and glaring at the pups with malice. "I've fought more worthy opponents, you'll only take a moment." At the loud starting howl, Koralia was frozen in place. She couldn't think, and was deathly afraid. The things she had agreed to do with Shivshakti were nothing more than a mere afterthought as she remembered how her father had fought for his life so fiercely. Things she'd never be able to pull off without his help. Instinctively as the male neared, Kora curled up on the ground in a tight, screaming ball. The other paid no attention to this, as he charged forward and lunged anyway. Kora would've been between his jaws had her companion not rushed forward to collide with the behemoth head-on.The thudding sound of chests colliding was enough to make Kora peer up from the ground and look on in awe. Shivshakti had squared up to the much larger male with little fear, and if she was willing to fight, so should she. The Akbash had overpowered the Plush Danois quickly, pinning her to the ground and attempting to snap at her neck but Koralia had sprinted forward and dove on top of his back. She had managed to grab his scruff and successfully pulled his attention away from the other. The male had spun and thrashed around enough that the wolfdog lost her grip and was bucked off. She hit the ground with a hard thud and was quickly seized by her left hind leg during her daze. As teeth pierce flesh and scraped bone, Kora let out pained yelps and howls while trying desperately to free herself. The Akbash thrashed around a few times before the Dane mix was tearing into his shoulder and she was dropped. This gave her the chance to bite down onto one of his forelegs and try to break it, repeating the same movements Erkin had did, but although unsuccessful, the male had lost his balance. The young female was proud of how much she and Shiv could do as a team and expected them to force the male to submit, as her companion bit his throat and proceeded however to thrashing him around, she knew this wasn't her wanted outcome. The Akbash let out strained gasps before going limp, at Shivshakti's feet might she add. The sight before her was truly out of a nightmare, but the crowd around them erupted into cheers and words of praise. The brown and white canine basked in it, meanwhile Koralia stood still with a look of horror spread across her features, she never wanted to kill anyone. The pair did receive food and the essential medical care they'd need as rewards however. Something to tell them that what they did was somehow good. In private, Koralia decided to voice her concerns with Shivshakti. To which would be responded to in a rather disturbing manner."We're doing the world a favor by ridding it of these monsters. Don't you want them to feel what we feel?""No! I don't want to kill animals, I-I just want to go home . . .""Where they mistreated you?""I don't care Shivshakti! I don't want to stay here long enough to become one of them.""We aren't becoming one of these sorry excuses for animals! We're just protecting the world from them, and there's no other way than to fight."

They'd eventually come to an agreement and a vow of sorts, they'd rid the world of monsters like the wolves, and keep fighting. For months, Shivshakti and Koralia kept fighting and winning each fight they had together in the ring, which unintentionally made them a favorite among the wolves. The Plush Danois' tactics were more on the brutal side while the wolfdog only helped, regardless of this, the pack loved seeing them come out on top. Throughout this, Koralia had gained an unwanted follower. A yellowish tan and gray male wolf who looked to be only months older than herself, certainly bigger and more muscular. He always followed the young female around and remained uncomfortably close to her whenever possible while remarking compliments solely about her appearance. Fortunately Shivshakti was closer in size to the strange male and he opted not to linger around while she was there. This gave Kora a feeling of reassurance, a protector-like one that she had shared with her late father once before. As weeks went by, the wolfdog took notice of a sudden change in the Plush Danois' behavior. She was growing restless and speaking more about making the wolves suffer a little more than usual. A few days later, the young female would find out why as agonized and strained howls sounded throughout the camp while she among other prisoners were permitted to roam around camp under careful supervision. In a haste she raced to find the canine in pain, among other individuals before abruptly stopping just short of a small bloody clearing. Frightened yelps and enraged snarls erupted within the crowd as the pack gathered around, unfortunately it'd be a few moments before Kora could reach the front to see what everyone else had. And it was Shivshakti, ears torn and body bloody, standing over the corpse of the pack's Beta. The Beta's lower jaw had been torn away, and she was quite clearly dead. The Dane mix stood over her, still thrashing around the wolf's limp body while smiling and laughing to herself. She was proud of what she'd just done . . . how?Just as quickly as the crowd gathered to see the panic, the pack superiors apprehended Shiv and took her away somewhere, perhaps never to be seen again while Koralia herself was thrown back into her den. For 2 days, the wolfdog laid crying in her den and fearful that she'd never see her friend again until suddenly the boulder locking them in was moved and the other female was pushed down the short incline. Upon landing harshly on her back, Kora rushed forward to nuzzle Shivshakti and cuddle into her side. But she was different, much different. Shiv didn't want to speak or move for hours until finally revealing that she had been forced to kill her father after just meeting him. The young wolfdog's heart broke for her, but despite all the support the Plush Danois received, the time afterwards was miserable. She was reduced to a mere shell of her former self, and willingly becoming a doormat for the wolves. Due to this, Shivshakti spent less time in the den and in turn, the younger wolves of the pack began to taunt Koralia, the yellowish gray wolf included. One unfortunate day just after the Dane mix was sent to clean the Alpha's dens, the strange male had slipped into their shared den to bother Kora once more. He had started out saying the usual things, complimenting her appearance and getting uncomfortably close to her, but he'd also mention how Koralia should bear his children before seizing her scruff in a swift movement. She had no time to react and was quickly sent into a panic. The male was behind her and held her firmly in place and she heard shouting during her struggle. But the voice was oddly feminine, it was Shivshakti. The brown and white canine's voice shouted and spoke as if she was actually here, it was clearer than ever and telling Koralia to fight. "FIGHT BACK! REMEMBER OUR VOW!" With newfound strength, the female began to fight back much stronger than before and with a different kind of ferocity matching that of her companion. Her head was thrown forward then back, colliding with the male's face with such impact that she was released promptly followed by a pained groan.It wasn't long before the wolf went back to fighting, diving forward and biting into the female's face as she twisted her bodice into a position where she could land a powerful hind kick to the male's face, and then another with her forepaws to stun him. He was indeed stunned, but not for long as lunged forward to bite Koralia once more. The male had seized her scruff again to thrash her around by before intimately pinning her to the ground on her back, the only thing he could think to do as she struggled fiercely against him. Twisting and landing kicks to the wolf's underside was enough to get him to move, and the exact amount of time she needed to turn and slide underneath him once more. Knowing that the male wasn't ever gonna give up, Kora frantically bit into the first thing she saw, which happened to be his family jewels that she pulled against with all her might. The wolf let out a loud yelp as skin and nerves was torn away and a bloody lump of flesh was tossed aside effortlessly, bleeding furiously, he turned to flee. But quick to rise to her paws, Koralia didn't let him leave without giving even more of a brutal mauling with bites to his face, throat, and chest. Eyes wild, she'd snarl at his fleeing figure. "Fuck you and your kids!" And just as he left, Shivshakti had appeared and was returning to their den, casting the wolfdog a bewildered look. "He had ill intentions and he fucking paid the price for it." Kor huffed at her, and after hearing what the wolf tried to do, she shared her anger. At last, the old rebellious, always fighting Dane mix was back to her senses and prepared to continue fighting in their lifelong war that had she not inspired Kor, they wouldn't be in, in the first place. Shivshakti's fierce spirit was what kept Koralia going, and she'd continue to do just that. I'll never stop fighting. With their courage reignited, the pair was tossed back into the ring to continue their brutal killings until they could find a way to escape their hell.And unfortunately for the pair, they both also began to receive an influx of unwanted attention from males. It grew so bad that both of the females had to throw out gory insults with great detail towards them, and Shivshakti got into constant fights to defend herself as well as her wolfdog companion to prove that she would follow through on those threats. It was around this time when the pair decided they had to leave now, and to prepare they'd start scouting and mapping the wolf camp. It'd be two months before they saw an opening, and with Koralia's kind spirit, she insisted that they bring as many prisoners as possible with them. At last, the pair managed to slip out of their cave and go forward with their plain, carefully sneaking around camp while freeing other imprisoned canines. After fighting off the wolves as they were alerted and eventually escaping into the surrounding wilderness, the duo managed to save a small group of dogs. Unfortunately some of the canines perished after the wolves were alerted to their plan and attempted to drag them back forcefully. But finally after a lifelong-fight, Koralia and Shivshakti were free. Their heads were drawn back in relived howls and barks and their gait became all the more empowered. We're safe from them now. For 4 months, the females lived together in relative peace. They'd work to support each other and put as much distance between themselves and the wolf pack as possible. Throughout their trek, they'd come across a town and decide to situate themselves there. Here, Kora and Shiv would begin their new lives in a developed society but as weeks went on, it became clear that the Plush Danois wasn't having the easiest time adjusting.While Koralia familiarized herself with the many shops and stores and the wide array of new faces, Shivshakti always sought out fights. She wanted to feel powerful and in control, but in turn she was changing for the worse. These brutal fights sometimes ended in outright murder, far too often to Kora to just turn a blind eye to. The arrogant individuals that picked fatal fights with the Dane mix weren't wrong-doers, nor were they wolves. In fact, the canines hadn't seen a wolf since escaping, meaning Shiv was using their vow as a means of killing for sport. But she was also Koralia's sister, and surely she could be reasoned with by her own sister? The wolfdog would take her on a trip to stroll through a secluded forest where she could try to reason with her. At first, Kora felt like she was gaining some understanding on Shiv's side but it wouldn't be long before something had disturbed their conversation. The crunching of leaves sounded up ahead, certainly coming their way. The Plush Danois was the first to begin investigating it with the wolfdog trailing behind as she slowly stalked forward. Koralia only got a glimpse of startled blue eyes as they locked eyes with a wolf. In a instant, Shivshakti's frame was rushing forward. Her teeth were bared as she tore up the terrain beneath her, the other female tried to hold her back, but Shiv's strength and determination were far too much for her to handle. Koralia could only watch in horror as her sister violently mauled the male. His leg was bit down onto with such force that it snapped and his throat was quite literally, torn away from his neck. He collapsed onto the ground with a permanent look of terror spread across his face. Stuck in a deadly staring match with Shivshakti, voices called out from up ahead. A soft-spoken feminine voice, then a youthful male, "Louis? Where did you go honey?" "Mommy where's Dad?" The wolfdog felt as if she were about to choke on her breath, coughing and backing away from her companion. How could Shivshakti be capable of such a thing? Overwhelmed with emotions, she felt herself begin to cry and scream. "What have you done?!" The family of the deceased male joined them and were now screaming at the silent Dane mix beside her, having panic attacks and freak outs of their own. She couldn't bring herself to say anything to Shiv, only looking at her with a look of fear and disappointment. That was the day Koralia and Shivshakti separated, their close bond being shattered within a few moments. The pale coated canine offered her assistance to the grieving family and took off for good. She left the Plush Danois standing alone without uttering a word, too fearful for her own life. How could a survivor turn into the monster?

OOC Trivia:

  • Koralia's concept was originally made in 2018.

  • She's the opposite half of Shivshakti, who I created and own too.

  • "Koralia" in Greek means Coral.

  • Kora is a comfort character to me, and a self-insert.

  • An oc that is very special to me, and what she represents.

IC Trivia:

  • Koralia still abides by the vow her and Shiv made, but is much less violent.

  • And just like Shivshakti, the wolfdog can get temperamental on the topic of her beauty and parenthood.

  • Kora is extremely protective of females and children who can't properly defend themselves.

  • Although able to talk to male wolves and male individuals in general, the wolfdog does so suspiciously and tends to avoid it whenever possible.

  • She frequently opts to break some rules intentionally.

  • Females are her company preference.

  • Koralia however isn't opposed to getting past her fears and is willing to try befriending worthy males.

  • She misses her father and siblings a lot, her mother not so much.

  • Kora mouths her grey fur cloak for comfort.

  • When getting her spiked collar, she specifically asked for brown leather to match with Shiv.